Thursday 23 June 2011

My Brother...Ryan.x

I’m so thankful I have a brother
like Ryan to count on.
I know he’ll always be there
with open arms if I need a hug,
and an open mind if I need someone
to understand.
I’m so glad that I can
be myself around him.
He knows my qualities and my faults.
and he loves me just the same.

I’m so proud to have a brother like Ryan...
not just for what he has accomplished,
but for who he is.
I’m so lucky to have him to talk
and laugh with ...
to reminisce and make
new memories with.
I can’t tell you Ryan
how much it means
to have a brother like you.
You’re one of the most important
people in my life.
Thanks for being ...
... a brother like you.

Well through preparing for the wedding today it finally hit me how soon the actual 'Royal Wedding' is occurring and how fast it is approaching us! I have mixed feelings. Im so happy for Ryan that he has finally overcome his fear and settled down ;) Ha just kidding! And he has found a PERFECT wife...who fits in with us (the motley crew) amazingly and I cannot wait to have another sister. But I'm also bummed because due to Ryan jetting off he is also leaving the nest :( And i become an only child....which is my worse nightmare.
My brother and sister are my bestest friends and not having them living with me in this house is sad even though i love Steve and Emma... I guess i just wish we could all live together because we have so much fun. But I know thats not possible so I'm stuck with the oldies ;) No....i love my parents and the special treatment i may receive in being sad and lonely but it wont be the same. Having late night chats with you probably no Emma he is the BEST listener ever.
And whenever we are together I'm always laughing at him and with him!

He always makes me laugh...just the other day in london....( i will set the scene).
Me and Ryan just hopped onto the London underground and i was sitting down whilst Ryan hovered over me and I caught the eye of this random guy peering over this other random girls phone (they did not no each her personal space was just being ruined!!) So i quickly Prodded Ryan..
Jenna: Ryan Ryan LOOK that guy is reading her messages (whilst laughing!)
Ryan: :O Ha. 

2 Seconds later.
Ryan: Jenna, she is probably just on the internet.
Jenna: PAHHHHAHAHA Ryan we are on the underground its impossible to get any signal!!

I guess you had to be there ;)
Well anyway i should probably stop because Ryan has a big enough head already! Well his ears ;)

So bring on Saturday 25th June 2011. I cannot wait and am SOOO excited for Ryan and Emma.
Emma your gonna look BEAUTIFUL and Ryan your gonna look HANDSOME!

So incase you may not realize Ryan....I LOVE YOU...Your the best brother i could have ever asked for!!!!!!!!! xxx

Monday 6 June 2011

I Despise Goodbyes!!!!!!!!

You can probably tell by the title of what this post is going to be about but i just feel i need to get my feelings across about how much i Hate....Well hates a strong word so yea it is the perfect word to use in this situation..I HATE goodbyes.

Due to being a Mormon I have had many times where I have had to say goodbye to my brother, cousins, friends leaving to go on missions for 2 years. Which as most of you reading this probably have already come across as well it isn't a nice feeling, apart from bla bla bla yeah I'm happy they are righteous and going on a mission and serving for 2 years it still sucks saying goodbye. And every time you say goodbye there is always someone that says it gets easier the more times you say goodbye to more people the easier it gets.....LIES..ABSOLUTE LIES, i can tell you now! It does not get easier i found it gets harder.
Even now i hardly say goodbye to friends going on missions because they are either on them or home i find it hard saying goodbye if they leave me for a short time...say 2 months!!

I know my mum finds it hard saying goodbye (sorry to embarrass you mother dear) but I remember me and Laura Mateer left for New York for 4 weeks i think and she cried when i left which is understandable but then she cried when i arrived through the gates! Gotta love my mummy <3 I'm sure you dread to think what she was like when me and Ryan left for Thailand for 3 months.... :S

And saying goodbye to our Thai children we taught English too for 5 weeks was heartbreaking..

So you can probably understand now and hopefully people/friends/family realize DON'T you EVER leave me again or make me say goodbye again for a period of time!! Because i don't like it and never will!

But then I do love the Hellos once they have arrived home. I wish ( and if anyones interested please contact me ha!) But to sit at the arrivals gate at an airport and watch jet setters come home and be welcomed by friends or family or lovers and to see their faces and how happy they are to be reunited again! Im smiling just writing about it! Thats my most favourite thing about a long holiday is coming home and walking through them gates, searching every face hoping to recognize one or two and then having and receiving a humongous smile and the biggest hug created! I love it!!

Moments like this.....

So once again....Moral of the story.... please don't ever leave me again because i miss you too much and if you do leave me take me with you so i can walk through the arrivals gate to be welcomed home :D