Tuesday 17 May 2011

Lack of sleep creates a very emotional girl..

Monday morning i woke up after a bit of a weird sleep....we had Liane, Steve and Tayla over for the weekend which was LOVELY but for once i kept waking up hearing Tayla crying which caused me to go to work with lack of sleep!
Probably not a good combination as i arrived to work not in the best mood...then i got a bit (well thats an understatement) Very stressed, then i went to the box room to get more bags where a metal shelf holder thing landed on my toe! OUCH!!! So that didn't help! And then my manager asked if i would go fold in Dudes 3 cause there wasn't a queue for the tills, but back to dudes 3, which for all of you non Hollister people it is one of the worst rooms to be in as its clearance clothes and you shoppers don't care what state you leave it in!! So through seeing i wasn't happy about this decision my manager questioned me to why i wasn't bubbly Jenna....so he kept questioning me until he pushed me to the edge of emotion and my eyes started to fill up, which i couldn't understand because i wasn't emotional and there was nothing really to cry about. So after our chat and once we spoke i was wondering (whilst folding clothes) WHY was i crying!! The only explanation i could come to was lack of sleep! So i decided to research to see if my scientific brain was correctomundo.....here's what i found..

Lack of sleep had another effect on the brain’s circuitry. In the sleep-deprived group, the brain’s emotion center seemed to be more strongly connected to a primitive, impulsive brain region and less connected to a region that normally keeps emotions and behaviors in check.
The researchers say their study demonstrates the dangers of not sleeping enough. Their findings suggest that sleep restores the control of our emotional brain circuits and helps us face the next day’s challenges and social interactions. 

But after folding clothes which was really therapeutic i finally became myself again and the smile shone bright!!! And am very grateful to my manager!
I am a Happy person...so i just need to sleep. 

So the moral of this story people.... GO TO SLEEP!!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. See having a baby that doesn;t sleep is not easy! I am not just a drama queen! ;) xxx
